The Marigolds

The Marigolds is an artist collective currently comprised of Abe Shriner, Rosario Parker Gordon, and Emmy E. Smith. The collective is looking to welcome two new members, details to come soon.

The Marigolds collaborate through letters, Instagram DMs, and artwork exchange in mediums of collage, painting/drawing, and sculpture. We focus on themes of the nexus of bureaucratic disaffection and absurdity that borders on the divine. Infusing the human spirit into outmoded technology, into bill reminder letters, state agency communicate, and examining gestural wild work buttressed between elements infused with this wooden context, we examine how life persists. Neither to rebuke technology, nor to throw out systems, we instead examine them as inextricable aspects of life, and through recognizing them and their legacy and their structures. They are frail, they too die. They are everywhere staffed by humanity; they help and they damage.

In the past, the Marigolds, as Emmy E. Smith, Abe Shriner, and Rosario Parker Gordon, have exhibited work in MCAD’s Gallery 148, as well as MCAD’s MFA Gallery. Individual collective members have exhibited work together in iterations of Abe Shriner & Emmy E. Smith in MCAD’s Library Gallery.